SUT Updaters: package fuzzinator.update

class fuzzinator.update.SubprocessUpdate(*, command, cwd=None, env=None, timeout=None, encoding=None, **kwargs)

Subprocess invocation-based SUT update.

Mandatory parameter of the SUT update:

  • command: string to pass to the child shell as a command to run.

Optional parameters of the SUT update:

  • cwd: if not None, change working directory before the command invocation.

  • env: if not None, a dictionary of variable names-values to update the environment with.

  • timeout: run subprocess with timeout.

  • encoding: stdout and stderr encoding (default: autodetect).

Example configuration snippet:

#update_condition=... is needed to trigger the update

command=git pull && make
env={"BAR": "1"}
class fuzzinator.update.TimestampUpdateCondition(*, path, age, **kwargs)

File timestamp-based SUT update condition.

Mandatory parameters of the SUT update condition:

  • path: path to a file or directory to check for its last modification time.

  • age: maximum allowed age of path given in [days:][hours:][minutes:]seconds format.

Result of the SUT update condition:

  • Returns True if path does not exist or is older than age.

Example configuration snippet:

#update=... will be triggered if file timestamp is too old

class fuzzinator.update.Update

Abstract base class to represent how a software-under-test (SUT) can be updated.


Update the SUT.

Raises NotImplementedError by default.

class fuzzinator.update.UpdateCondition

Abstract base class to represent how to determine whether a software-under-test (SUT) should be updated.


Return whether the SUT is outdated and an update should be perfromed.

Raises NotImplementedError by default.


True if the SUT should be updated, false otherwise.

Return type:
