CLI Reference

Non-interactive Mode

usage: fuzzinator [-h] [--tui | --wui] [-D SECT:OPT=VAL] [-U SECT[:OPT]]
                   [--max-cycles N] [--validate NAME] [--validate-all]
                   [--reduce NAME] [--reduce-all] [--show-config] [-l LEVEL]
                   [-v] [-q] [--sys-recursion-limit NUM] [--version]
                   [config [config ...]]

Fuzzinator Random Testing Framework

positional arguments:
  config                config files describing the fuzz jobs to run (if no
                        config is provided and TUI is enabled, then the
                        framework starts in issue viewer mode)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tui                 start Fuzzinator with TUI
  --wui                 start Fuzzinator with WUI
  -D SECT:OPT=VAL       define additional config options
  -U SECT[:OPT]         undefine config sections or options
  --max-cycles N        limit number of fuzz job cycles to N (default: no
  --validate NAME       validate issues of SUT before running any fuzz jobs
  --validate-all        validate issues of all SUTs before running any fuzz
                        jobs (alias for --validate='')
  --reduce NAME         reduce issues of SUT before running any fuzz jobs
  --reduce-all          reduce issues of all SUTs before running any fuzz jobs
                        (alias for --reduce='')
  --show-config         show complete config
  -l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL
                        verbosity level of diagnostic messages (TRACE, DEBUG,
                        INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DISABLE; default:
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode (alias for --log-level DEBUG)
  -q, --quiet           quiet mode (alias for --log-level DISABLE)
  --sys-recursion-limit NUM
                        override maximum depth of the Python interpreter stack
                        (default: 1000)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Text-based UI

fuzzinator --tui
usage: fuzzinator [-h] [--tui | --wui] [-D SECT:OPT=VAL] [-U SECT[:OPT]]
                   [--max-cycles N] [--validate NAME] [--validate-all]
                   [--reduce NAME] [--reduce-all] [--show-config] [-l LEVEL]
                   [-v] [-q] [--sys-recursion-limit NUM] [--version]
                   [--force-encoding NAME] [--utf8] [--log-file FILE]
                   [-s FILE]
                   [config [config ...]]

Fuzzinator Random Testing Framework

positional arguments:
  config                config files describing the fuzz jobs to run (if no
                        config is provided and TUI is enabled, then the
                        framework starts in issue viewer mode)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tui                 start Fuzzinator with TUI
  --wui                 start Fuzzinator with WUI
  -D SECT:OPT=VAL       define additional config options
  -U SECT[:OPT]         undefine config sections or options
  --max-cycles N        limit number of fuzz job cycles to N (default: no
  --validate NAME       validate issues of SUT before running any fuzz jobs
  --validate-all        validate issues of all SUTs before running any fuzz
                        jobs (alias for --validate='')
  --reduce NAME         reduce issues of SUT before running any fuzz jobs
  --reduce-all          reduce issues of all SUTs before running any fuzz jobs
                        (alias for --reduce='')
  --show-config         show complete config
  -l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL
                        verbosity level of diagnostic messages (TRACE, DEBUG,
                        INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DISABLE; default:
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode (alias for --log-level DEBUG)
  -q, --quiet           quiet mode (alias for --log-level DISABLE)
  --sys-recursion-limit NUM
                        override maximum depth of the Python interpreter stack
                        (default: 1000)
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --force-encoding NAME
                        force text encoding used for TUI widgets (utf-8,
                        ascii; default: autodetect)
  --utf8, --utf-8       force UTF-8 encoding (alias for --force-
  --log-file FILE       redirect stderr (instead of /dev/null; for debugging
  -s FILE, --style FILE
                        alternative style file for TUI

Web UI

fuzzinator --wui
usage: fuzzinator [-h] [--tui | --wui] [-D SECT:OPT=VAL] [-U SECT[:OPT]]
                   [--max-cycles N] [--validate NAME] [--validate-all]
                   [--reduce NAME] [--reduce-all] [--show-config] [-l LEVEL]
                   [-v] [-q] [--sys-recursion-limit NUM] [--version]
                   [--bind-ip NAME/IP] [--bind-ip-all] [--port NUM]
                   [--cert FILE] [--key FILE] [--develop]
                   [config [config ...]]

Fuzzinator Random Testing Framework

positional arguments:
  config                config files describing the fuzz jobs to run (if no
                        config is provided and TUI is enabled, then the
                        framework starts in issue viewer mode)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tui                 start Fuzzinator with TUI
  --wui                 start Fuzzinator with WUI
  -D SECT:OPT=VAL       define additional config options
  -U SECT[:OPT]         undefine config sections or options
  --max-cycles N        limit number of fuzz job cycles to N (default: no
  --validate NAME       validate issues of SUT before running any fuzz jobs
  --validate-all        validate issues of all SUTs before running any fuzz
                        jobs (alias for --validate='')
  --reduce NAME         reduce issues of SUT before running any fuzz jobs
  --reduce-all          reduce issues of all SUTs before running any fuzz jobs
                        (alias for --reduce='')
  --show-config         show complete config
  -l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL
                        verbosity level of diagnostic messages (TRACE, DEBUG,
                        INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DISABLE; default:
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode (alias for --log-level DEBUG)
  -q, --quiet           quiet mode (alias for --log-level DISABLE)
  --sys-recursion-limit NUM
                        override maximum depth of the Python interpreter stack
                        (default: 1000)
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --bind-ip NAME/IP     hostname or IP address to start the service on
                        (default: localhost)
  --bind-ip-all         bind service to all available addresses (alias for
  --port NUM            port to start the service on (default: 8080)
  --cert FILE           path to a PEM file containing the certificate
                        (required to serve the UI through SSL)
  --key FILE            path to a file containing the private key (optional to
                        serve the UI though SSL)
  --develop             run the service in development mode