Issue Exporters: package fuzzinator.exporter

class fuzzinator.exporter.Exporter

Abstract base class to represent issue exporters.

__call__(*, issue)

Return a representation of issue that can be written to a file. The export format does not necessarily have to contain all elements of the issue dictionary.

Raises NotImplementedError by default.


issue (dict[str, Any]) – The issue to be exported.


A serializable representation of the issue, or parts of the issue.

Return type:

str or bytes

class fuzzinator.exporter.TestExporter(*, extension=None, type=None, **kwargs)

A simple exporter that extracts the test input (or the reduced test input, if it exists) from the issue.

Note: This exporter expects the test input to be a str or a bytes instance.

Optional parameters of the exporter:

  • extension: the filename extension (including the leading period) to use when writing exported test inputs to file (default: no extension).

  • type: the MIME (or content) type of the exported test inputs (default: no MIME type).

Example configuration snippet:

# see*
